Are Cavities Common In Children?

The Maxfac Clinic
3 min readSep 26, 2022


Are Cavities Common in children?

Dental cavities are a very common dental problem for young children and toddlers. A cavity is a severely damaged region in a tooth, often known as tooth rot. They may appear in your child’s primary or baby teeth, in which case you could have them removed because milk teeth eventually fall out. But then, why does it matter? Although a damaged tooth with a cavity falls out, it would be better if you didn’t ignore them. To help your child get the best treatment, you could visit a good dental clinic like The MaxFac , which is an advanced dental care clinic in South Mumbai.

What causes cavities in children?

Cavities develop when dental plaque accumulates and damages the tooth enamel, creating a hole. When bacteria present in the mouth come in contact with food, acid, and saliva to make plaque, a sticky substance that eventually covers teeth. Since regular brushing and flossing can stop plaque from accumulating, youngsters who don’t brush their teeth properly frequently acquire cavities. Children should clean their teeth twice daily for at least two minutes. But some kids use the brush once a day or, much worse, they completely neglect to brush. Children can’t brush effectively on their own until they are about six years old.

Until children are mature enough to perform a thorough job of their own, an adult should brush their teeth for them or help them while they do so. Some kids also forget to floss their teeth or do it poorly. Additionally, cavities may form if food debris and plaque are not cleared out from in between teeth. Again, parents should assist their children with this crucial step as flossing may be very challenging for young children.

Also, remember that optimal oral hygiene calls for regular checkups at dental clinics for kids. You should schedule dental appointments for your kids on the same schedule as adults, who visit the dentist every six months.

How are children suffering from cavities treated?

A dental filling is typical for toddlers and kids with one or more cavities. Both infant teeth and adult teeth are eligible for fillings. The dentist first removes the decayed tooth during the procedure and then replaces the hole with white composite or metal. A baby tooth that develops a cavity can be preserved or saved by filling the cavity.

Repairing the tooth with cavities is crucial because early tooth loss might affect how a permanent tooth erupts. Baby teeth also aid your child’s chewing and speaking abilities. Children and young toddlers have tooth fillings placed by dentists in dental clinics for kids. Your doctor could suggest a dental crown, which is often silver in color, in cases of serious tooth decay. The baby tooth may occasionally need to be pulled out if it is severely decayed or infected. If your dentist removes the tooth, they’ll use a space maintainer to keep it open so permanent teeth can erupt properly.

In case your child is suffering from cavities and you’re looking for a dental clinic for kids or a family dental clinic in Mumbai, visit The Max Fax Clinic. In this advanced dental care clinic in South Mumbai, you will find the best solutions to all dental problems your child is suffering from.



The Maxfac Clinic

The Maxfac Clinic is one of the best dental clinics in South Mumbai with the team of best dentists.